
Buzz platform appears to track popular content Buzrr imitation Tweetmeme

A Swede for the just-released near Google Buzz created a popular Web site to track the contents of Buzrr, the industry said that although the site is still very simple, but still has some potential for development.

Buzrr website is operated by the Swedish founder of Dennis Hettema marketing technology companies, the site now features not complete, there is no classification and no function of the content description, but under the New Buzz column filled with a lot of spam. He Tema said: "We are addressing a large number of problems."

Around Twitter and the start-up founded by Tweetmeme also have the same problem, but has now grown into a Tweetmeme admirable small companies. To industry sources, Google Buzz there is great potential for development, so Buzzr also deserves attention.

Tweetmeme and Buzzr as its function is to collect a specific site of the most popular content. The popular content is not just interesting, it can also gathered from large numbers of users. If Buzzr can accurately collect Google Buzz's most popular content, then it is possible to obtain a large number of users, and use the data to do some interesting attempt. In addition, Buzzr also draws on Tweetmeme a feature of the site provides a direct sharing of content to Buzz features.

To industry sources, Google Buzz is one of the most subversive feature of its open data standards, people will be able to focus it has developed many services and applications.