
Rollins this season against a low ebb

Rollins Zhezhi home run, breaking the deadlock Qiju original 5:5. Qi Ju Phillies scored six points at one go, the gap had widened to 11:5, Rollins had two RBIs this Council, after he was out in full when the second base play was inconsistent body send the ball add another 1 RBI.

Rollins this season against a low ebb, the current rate is still only 2 percent against 17, but still work today, contributed three RBI. Phillies today, a total of five players with two or more hits, Pedro Feliz had five 3, and 2 RBIs in revenue.

Chan Ho Park did not fall today, Bureau of relay 2.1 points and race wins vote (3 wins and 1 loss). His backup in 7 games this season, 6 games out only 1 minute or lose points, but as a start, the defense rate as high as 7.29.